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permaculture courses

Meet your teacher!

Manisha is a permaculture practitioner and teacher from India. She has been practicing permaculture for 10 years at Aanandaa Permaculture Farm.

Manisha is a marketer by education and profession, and has worked in large corporations for over two decades. A desire to grow her own food, and save a piece of nature for her family, drove her to convert a barren piece of land into a lush green forest, now called Aanandaa.

Manisha believes that permaculture is not an alternate life. In fact, a permaculture way of life can be pursued by anyone, irrespective of their profession and location. She likes to share her experience and knowledge with those who are looking for a life in sync with nature and want to live more consciously.

Through her work and her courses, Manisha has inspired hundreds of people to start a permaculture journey of their own, and create a positive impact on their bodies and their environments. With her online courses, this reach and influence is becoming global in it's impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the course called Unlock your Permaculture Mindset?

 Permaculture is a practice which goes against commonly accepted norms and concepts. To accept and learn permaculture techniques and tools, you first need to see the larger picture and change your mindset. You have to unlearn and relearn ideas and notions ingrained in us from childhood. Through this course, you will be able to unlock that mindset, and see the world with fresh eyes. 

Who is this Unlock your Permaculture Mindset course for? 

This course is for you if you are interested in living a more sustainable and conscious life, in sync with nature, but don’t know where to start. You may have heard about permaculture, and be intrigued by it, but don’t know exactly what it is. You may or may not have a garden or farmland to work on. But that does not matter. Permaculture can be practiced anywhere, even in a city apartment. 

Will I be able to design my permaculture garden after this course? 

Designing a garden needs a lot of technical skills. This short duration course will not be able to give you that. However, after taking the Unlock your permaculture mindset course, you will be able to appreciate a permaculture design. You will also be able to look around your habitat and see what are the broken pieces and how to fix them. 

How do I know this course will be good? 

Manisha has earned her stripes as a permaculturist by converting a barren piece of land into a lush green food forest. She is also a trained Permaculture Teacher. A combination of hand on experience and formal training makes her a powerhouse of knowledge. She is also an inspiring and motivating TEDx speaker. Take it from us, she’s a great teacher!

What is the duration of the course? 

The Unlock your Permaculture course is a mini course, just under an hour. It comprises instruction videos, presentation slides and short assignments. 

How is this course different from a Permaculture Design Course? 

A permaculture design certificate course is a very long duration, detailed course for practitioners who are working with a piece of land. We will be launching the PDC course towards the end of the year.

Do I need some land to take this course?

No, you do not need land to take this course. This course is as relevant for a city dweller living in an apartment, as it is for a farmer. It is a way of thinking and looking at the world, which is equally relevant for everyone. This course will give you a new outlook on life, and inspire you to live a more sustainable and conscious life.

How long will this course be available to me? 

Once you buy this course, you can view the contents unlimited number of times. However, you are not allowed to share it, use it for training purposes or copy the material for further circulation. All the material is copyright protected by 'Permaculture with MLG'.

Shubhra Goel

"It’s safe to say that every lesson that I’ve learnt at Aanandaa is a lesson that will stick with me through a lifetime.

My first hand experience with her showed me how her story is extremely authentic, unfiltered and one that continues to inspire so many, myself included! She’s a true change- maker and an amazing mentor. One must take every opportunity they get to learn from her. "

Rishabh & Shaloo

"I am filled with hope to see someone like Manisha creating an alternative to the scarcity-driven modern food & natural systems.

Her farm is a living example of what an abundant food system looks like.

Spending time with her on volunteer visits was inspiring and filled us with the spirit to do something similar on our own.

You'll have tons to learn from her during this course."

Safraz Nakai

"Manisha blends her rich corporate experience with the concept of Permaculture to make it interesting for everyone. She ensures that the course is very hands on and practical.

It has made me aware about sustainable agriculture practices, how it impacts the quality of food and in turn effects our body and our general way of living. It has also also made me more conscious about my day to day consumptions and decisions.

I would without hesitation recommend this course for everyone to attend."