Book your personalised consultation with MLG today!

Need help and guidance for your permaculture project or sustainable house?

You have come to the right place.

Often we get phone calls and emails from permaculture beginners or experienced farmers looking to switch over to permaculture. Or home owners and architects asking about our sustainable house project.

However, it is not possible to give advice over the phone or email, without understanding the full context of your site, and your expectations from it.

If you would like MLG to help you with your permaculture design, sustainable architecture, water management, plantation plan or to simply just get started, you should book a consultation appointment with her, here!

Meet your Consultant

Manisha is a permaculture practitioner and teacher from India. She has been practicing permaculture for 10 years at Aanandaa Permaculture Farm.

Manisha is a marketer by education and profession, and has worked in large corporations for over two decades. A desire to grow her own food, and save a piece of nature for her family, drove her to convert a barren piece of land into a lush green forest, now called Aanandaa.

Manisha believes that permaculture is not an alternate life. In fact, a permaculture way of life can be pursued by anyone, irrespective of their profession and location. She likes to share her experience and knowledge with those who are looking for a life in sync with nature and want to live more consciously.

Through her work and her courses, Manisha has inspired hundreds of people to start a permaculture journey of their own, and create a positive impact on their bodies and their environments. With her online courses, this reach and influence is becoming global in it's impact.

Share some information about your project

Please fill out the form below to help guide your consultation session.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will a Consultation with MLG help me?

We believe that a Permaculture project is not something you can engage a third party to do. It is something you have to learn to do yourself. Only then you will believe in it, and feel physically and spiritually connected to it. Too often we meet people who are looking for someone to do their project for them. This does not work in permaculture.

We believe everyone can pursue their own permaculture journey with a little handholding and timely advice. As you begin to understand and connect with your land, and clarify some basic concepts with MLG, the plan will start to unfold itself.

This is how a Consultation with MLG will really help.

How does the process of Consultation work?

If you have decided that you want to consult MLG for your project, you can click on Book Now button, and make the payment for a 45 minute online Google meeting.

Once the payment is made, you will receive an email with a Calendly link to choose a date and time that works for you.

If none of the available time slots work for you, please email us at [email protected] so that we can try to accommodate a mutually convenient time slot.

How should I prepare for this meeting?

Before the meeting, it will be good for you to be clear about your objectives of your project, and be extremely familiar with your site. Ideally, you should know the solar aspect of your land, the water flows, your place in the watershed, overall area, climatic conditions, activity in the surrounding areas etc..

If you are building a sustainable house, you should have your brief and the house plans/ sketches ready. The more information you can share with MLG, the more she will be able to help you.

So take enough time to think about what you are trying to do, and document your site. You can email MLG all this information ahead of the consultation at [email protected].

Can I purchase consultation more than once?

Absolutely! You can book a consultation with MLG any number of times. It may also be possible that we are not able to cover all your questions in one session, due to paucity of time.